JupyterHub HPC Meeting - April 2022#
Date: 2022-04-06
Time: 8:30 AM PDT
GitHub issue:
Calendar for future meetings: https://jupyterhub-team-compass.readthedocs.io/en/latest/meetings.html
Welcome to the Meeting#
Hello! If you are joining the team video meeting, sign in below so we know who was here. Roll call:
name / institution / GitHub handle
Rollin Thomas / NERSC / @rcthomas
Michael Milligan / MSI @ UMN / @mbmilligan
Erik Sundell / Fernando Perez research group / @consideRatio
Félix-Antoine Fortin / Université Laval - Compute Canada / @cmd-ntrf
Simon Li / University of Dundee / @manics
Jeff Edwards/Environmental Protection Agency / @JeffEdwardsTech
Monica Ihli / ORNL - Arm Data Science & Integrations Group / ihlimi@ornl.gov
Quick updates#
60 second updates on things you have been up to, questions you have, or developments you think people should know about. This is also a chance to suggest a future presentation if you’ve got work currently in progress you might want to share. Please add yourself, and if you do not have an update to share, you can pass.
Name: Your update
Erik: Worked on dask/dask-gateway and look to learn about its use in HPS
Reports and celebrations#
This is a place to make announcements (without a need for discussion). This is also a great place to give shout-outs to contributors! We’ll read through these at the beginning of the meeting.
Name: Your report or celebration
Agenda items#
Let’s collect all potential agenda items here before the start of the meeting. We will then attempt to create a coherent agenda that fits in the 60m meeting slot. If there are similar items try and group them together.
EPA team - discuss work and contribution to Wrapspawner
Jeff works at EPA on high-end computing
Working to add new feature to JupyterHub
Similar to profilespawner
Profiles for launching jobs come from file system
They use slurm, central scripts storage
Allow users to store their own
Form allows users to alter script
Some javascript
Want to contribute to wrapspawner
Erik’s suggested related reading on how to adjust spawn options based on user input which could be relevant for the most detailed customizations: https://discourse.jupyter.org/t/tailoring-spawn-options-and-server-configuration-to-certain-users/8449
Question is whether these are just Jupyter notebook jobs, or other kinds of jobs
Submit PR!
Bringing in stuff from the filesystem, keep in mind that in many deployments, the filesystem where users do their work is not accessible from where JupyterHub is running
Read-only mount?
Filesystem part is configurable
All: Standing project items:
Batchspawner check-in: Issues and PRs
need to check CI status, seems to be failing for PRs, from March:
pytest run for 3.9 against hub 0.9.6 fails
using a deprecated sqlalchemy maybe pinned by hub
Plan: drop that combo from the matrix, rerun
Will probably unblock other failed PR tests
Worthwhile to do a sweep on batchspawner PRs
Which are worth keeping which to close?
Plan: Mike will take a look on PRs
Some new pull requests
Users have been breaking batchspawner by overwriting the script template
Created issue to not encourage users to do this
Documentation issue, not code issue
Some better config examples for README (they’re old)
Wrapspawner check-in: Issues and PRs
Workshop/conference season:
ISC 22 Interactive HPC
Accepting late submissions
Author notification: April 14, 2022
6-12 page papers, also “paper drafting exercise”
SC 22 Urgent+Interactive HPC workshop accepted
PEARC in Boston
Short deadline for posters + papers April 8 NO EXTENSION
DaskGateway maintenance push
Looking to connect and overview usage Slurm and PBS in general and if DaskGateway is used
Most people on the call are running or running on Slurm
Erik’s been working on CI testing against e.g. Slurm
Docker containers
Had been outdated so Erik’s modernizing
See links below about CI and Slurm
Notes from Rollin/NERSC:
We use Slurm to schedule jobs
Main back-end for DaskGateway on Slurm is dask-jobqueue
dask-jobqueue submits (IIRC) single-node jobs to start workers
Our policies prevent more than 2 jobs per user from accruing priority at any given time
Access to fast startup (which is expected by users) needs to be managed carefully
CLI access to talk to Slurm
A better fit for us:
Submit a single job with all the nodes you’ll need
Start scheduler and srun workers inside that job
On one machine dask-mpi is the most stable way to launch
On another, vanilla scheduler + dask-cuda-workers is fine
Always want scheduler and workers in the compute nodes, only client running in Jupyter
Another issue is DaskGateway is specific to Dask
We have Spark, IPyParallel, Ray users too
But we do want the general gateway functionality of:
Taking a user request for a cluster runtime
Templating that into a batch job with all the right settings and optimizations
Having a way to connect to that from a notebook
AND get the environments to match up (between the notebook and the cluster)
Needs to support both bare metal and containers
Our center has its own API and we’re adding templating as a service
Plan lets us support Jupyter + generic cluster runtime
Lets us optimize and manage how the jobs run
About CI to run Slurm:
A large PR updating Dockerfile’s that initializes Slurm in a container: dask/dask-gateway#519
The old Dockerfile that builds to a image that starts Slurm: dask/dask-gateway
The new Dockerfile after updating it in my PR: dask/dask-gateway