JupyterHub HPC Meeting - December 2021#
Date: 2021-12-01
Time: 8:30 AM PDT
GitHub issue:
Calendar for future meetings: https://jupyterhub-team-compass.readthedocs.io/en/latest/meetings.html
Welcome to the Meeting#
Hello! If you are joining the team video meeting, sign in below so we know who was here. Roll call:
name / institution / GitHub handle
Rollin Thomas / NERSC / @rcthomas
Félix-Antoine Fortin / Université Laval - Compute Canada / @cmd-ntrf
Simon Li / University of Dundee / @manics
Eskild Eriksen / Quansight / @iameskild
Jens Henrik Goebbert / Jülich Supercomputing Centre / @jhgoebbert
Richard Darst / Aalto University / @rkdarst
Michael Milligan / University of Minnesota / @mbmilligan
Chadi Abi Fadel / Ameritcan University of Beirut / @real-slim-chadi
I would like to have a feel of the community
Quick updates#
60 second updates on things you have been up to, questions you have, or developments you think people should know about. This is also a chance to suggest a future presentation if you’ve got work currently in progress you might want to share. Please add yourself, and if you do not have an update to share, you can pass.
Name: Your update
Rollin ISC HPC 2022: Interactive HPC Workshop
Program committee members?
add name here if interested:
Michael Milligan
Jens Henrik Göbbert
Félix-Antoine Fortin
Paper drafting exercise as part of the workshop
Reports and celebrations#
This is a place to make announcements (without a need for discussion). This is also a great place to give shout-outs to contributors! We’ll read through these at the beginning of the meeting.
Name: Your report or celebration
[name=Min (not here)] just published JupyterHub 2.0
RBAC (role-based access control): More fine grained permissions in the hub
How parameters are passed by the spawner, now environment variables only: may be a breaking change for some. But it’s a lot more future-proof
JupyterLab is the default
Agenda items#
Let’s collect all potential agenda items here before the start of the meeting. We will then attempt to create a coherent agenda that fits in the 60m meeting slot. If there are similar items try and group them together.
All: Standing project items:
Batchspawner check-in: Issues and PRs
Wrapspawner check-in: Issues and PRs
Having to vivify the
Start a PR to fix this (Rollin will)
Tag all relevant issues in that PR
Have discussion in the PR about this to see if there’s a better fix
JupyterHub 2.0 tests
Felix tested w/BatchSpawner. Didn’t need any code changes to work! How encouraging!
Folks will test with WrapSpawner
JupyterLab 3 and Batchspawner - status?
Need to redo how we do singleuser launch?
Notebook servers on login nodes
Can you put remote kernels on compute nodes
Use kernel gateway to connect
BatchSpawner for this?
Not set out to support this…
Could be modified
Job would run kernel gateway
Lab needs to know how to find it
What if there are multiple jobs running
Felix suggests:
Notebook on the login node
Job is running another notebook server for the kernels
Could be hacked, but is this a thing?
~~sshkernenl?: NII-cloud-operation/sshkernel~~ not relevant