JupyterHub and BinderHub Team Meeting#

Welcome to the Team Meeting#


If you are joining the team video meeting, sign in below so we know who was here. Roll call:

  • Sarah Gibson / The Alan Turing Institute / @sgibson91

  • Romain Primet / Inria / @rprimet

  • Eric Charles / Datalayer, Quansight / @echarles

  • Min / Simula / @minrk

  • Simon / University of Dundee / @manics

  • Rollin / NERSC / @rcthomas

  • Ryan C. Cooper/ UConn / @cooperrc

  • Erik Sundell / Sundell open source / @consideratio

  • Wayne Decatur / Upstate Medical University / @fomightez

  • Chris Holdgraf / 2i2c / @choldgraf

  • Jeremy Tuloup / QuantStack / @jtpio

  • Yuvi Panda / 2i2c / @choldgraf

  • Steven Silvester / Apple / @blink1073

  • A. T. Darian / Two Sigma / @afshin

  • Adrien Delsalle / QuantStack / @adriendelsalle

Quick updates#

60 second updates on things you have been up to, questions you have, or developments you think people should know about. Please add yourself, and if you do not have an update to share, you can pass.

  • Sarah: I’ve have been giving a lot of Binder talks/workshop recently and a few more to come!

    • 3rd March @ Software Sustainability Institute Research Software Camps

      • Thank you to Mridul for attending this and helping with questions!

    • 9th March @ Remote ReproHack

    • 18th March @ the Turing for students

    • 22nd/26th March @ Lund University Jupyter course

  • Chris: Some recent discussions around standardizing / documenting / centralizing best practices for “multi-cloud applications w/ JupyterHub in Kubernetes”. (see issue)

  • Eric: Current discussions for Realtime Collaboration on Authentication/Authorization across JupyerLab, Jupyter Server and JupyterHub

    • Alpha design document for Authentication will be discussed at next RTC meeting on Monday (meeting details on jupyterlab/rtc)

    • Upcoming Monday will have a Zoom meeting of relevance!

Reports and celebrations#

This is a place to make announcements (without a need for discussion). This is also a great place to give shout-outs to contributors! We’ll read through these at the beginning of the meeting.

Agenda items#

Let’s collect all potential agenda items here before the start of the meeting. We will then attempt to create a coherent agenda that fits in the 60m meeting slot. If there are similar items try and group them together.

  • Erik: Release pulses

  • Chris: CZI EOSS application (issue for discussion here)

    • Letter of intent due EO next week

    • Current idea

      • Fund a “community advocate/developer” both years at ~50%

      • Fund 4 Outreachy internships in Y1

      • Fund 1 CIR in Y2

    • Questions

      • Is anybody interested in serving as the “community advocate” for this?

      • The DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) award recommends collaboration across communities. Can anyone think of another community? Perhaps JupyterLab?

        • Sarah: The Turing Way? (Could link in via Jupyter Book?)

        • Chris: TODO: connect Sarah w/ Jupyter Book folks about a proposal

      • There are technically two awards available, shall we apply for another?

        • Chris: TODO: think about a role that could be “glue” between JupyterHub and other communities

          • JupyterLab RTC work?

          • repo2docker connections to other services

          • JupyterHub + other K8S applications

  • Yuvi: Google Season of Documentation participation for JupyterHub (see discourse)

    • Google pays professional technical writer to work on our docs

    • Numpy had one last year, seems to have been a very positive experience!

    • Needs two mentors to help liaison between the community and writer

    • Min has signed up to be one! Need one more!

    • March 26 is deadline

      • Need one more mentor

      • We need to write up a ‘project description’ of what we want our technical writer to do. Examples on discourse. This needs to be written up!

    • Erik is curious and will get back asap about this

    • for example of application check out NumPy this year’s project ideas

  • Yuvi: Prototyping a web GUI to allow admins to modify some hub configuration - JupyterHub Configurator (github)

    • JupyterHub service, made available to hub admins

    • Only things that won’t cause the hub to be unrecoverably stopped

    • Versioning and rollbacks very important! Next big thing to add

    • Rollin: Some maybe tangentially related work? (react app for admin page): MetroStar/jh-admin-dashboard see also jupyterhub/jupyterhub#3039

  • Adrien/Jérémy: Some updates on authenticated instances

    • Display only the configured repo providers, sorted, in the UI. PR opened by Georgiana here

    • Act as the current user for operations (build/clone). PR opened by Romain here

  • Adrien: Tests with microk8s for development

    • using Ansible

    • felt easier to use than minikube, but still need further testing to confirm

    • Question: have k3s been compared also?