JupyterHub and BinderHub Team Meeting - August#
Date: Thursday 20th August, 2020
Time: 8am UTC
This HackMD: https://hackmd.io/@sgibson91/hubs-team-meeting
GitHub issue: jupyterhub/team-compass#319
Calendar for future meetings: https://jupyterhub-team-compass.readthedocs.io/en/latest/meetings.html
Welcome to the Team Meeting#
If you are joining the team video meeting, sign in below so we know who was here. Roll call:
name / institution / GitHub handle
Richard Darst / Aalto / @rkdarst
Tim Head / Binder / @betatim
Maria Eriksson / UCL Institute of Child Health & Great Ormond Street Hospital
Yuvi Panda / UC Berkeley / @yuvipanda
Min RK / Simula / @minrk
Ivana Huskova / Simula / @IvanaH8
Simon Li / OME/University of Dundee / @manics
Sarah Gibson / Turing Institute / @sgibson91
Chia-liang Kao / InfuseAI / @clkao
Quick updates#
60 second updates on things you have been up to, questions you have, or developments you think people should know about. Please add yourself, and if you do not have an update to share, you can pass.
Sarah: I have been working to get more Azure credits for the Turing cluster. Hopefully should be back online soon
YuviPanda: I’ve been working on MyBinder Terminal - a pure-frontend web-terminal interface to mybinder, where users can share sessions & collaborate realtime (with tmux / screen)
Min: Welcome to Ivana Huskova, working at Simula on auth, RBAC, & Projects for Sloan colaboration through Cal Poly
Min: Outreachy proposals for winter are due in September. Min plans to mentor this year project ideas welcome!.
Reports and celebrations#
This is a place to make announcements (without a need for discussion). This is also a great place to give shout-outs to contributors! We’ll read through these at the beginning of the meeting.
DockerHub image expiration and new terms of service jupyterhub/team-compass#330
🎉 YAML linting for mybinder.org-deploy, for all of us who don’t have a yaml parser in our head
cool work by Sarah!
Min: two posters accepted for JupyterCon:
Vilde’s summer work on repo2docker reproducibility
Min’s poster on limits to scaling JupyterHub
rkdarst: JupyterHub proposal got accepted. team-compass issue about to come, will be happy to have co-authors.
Yuvi: 3 talk participants
12min talk on jupyter-server-proxy
Talk with Zach on Jupyter Telemetry
Fernando, Chris Holdgraf, Cathryn Carson, Jim Colliander, Ryan Abernathey on https://2i2c.org
clkao: 12min talk on enterprise jupyterhub and mlops with primehub
Sarah: Arnim and Kenan’s talk on persistant BinderHub was also accepted
Agenda items#
Let’s collect all potential agenda items here before the start of the meeting. We will then attempt to create a coherent agenda that fits in the 60m meeting slot. If there are similar items try and group them together.
HPC/batchspawner/etc. Maintenance of these spawners, when to collect docs and use cases?
batchspawner maintenance
rkdarst: summary in batchspawner issue
We’ve added more maintainers and discussed how to keep things going when there is not enough time, and testing is hard
How to make HPC-type use cases more visible?
jupyturhub-deploy-hpc is rather stagnant and not a good entry point.
should batchspawner sphinx docs or jupyterhub sphinx docs be expanded?
Thoughts from others:
where to store the docs is maybe less important than that they exist and pointed to
hard thing is that every HPC is different from each other HPC
a good resource is JupyterHub-from-scratch
Answer the question “so your users want Jupyter on their HPC cluster, where do you go from that? What are the options?”
batchspawner and research facility people are welcome and should definitely come to this meeting as well
https://hackmd.io/wL_y69YbTae2JFVlg4bBqA?view has info on the principles
Time based tagging of repo2docker and BinderHub code ()Tim)
what do people think of us starting to tag the code of repo2docker and BinderHub once a month to create a “release”
This is related to the dockerhub image expiry
nothing changes about uprgade/migration promises
“continous upgrading is the only supported form of upgrades”
goal is to provide easier to read tags
link to henchbot and hut23bot as examples on how to “keep up with mybinder.org”
so far we’ve not had problems with upgrades so sticking with current policy seems reasonable
What is jupyter-server and what does it mean for repo2docker/binder/etc that it is going to be used by lab? ()Tim)
Tim doesn’t know much, but from various issues it seems we need to change things
Will URL based switching between lab and notebook still work?
Will jupyter-server make all UIs we offer “first class”?
RStudio, VS Code, lab, classic
Maybe someone is a bit more involved in this topic and could give a short intro
find some related issues via this
batchspawner also makes a wrapper batchspawner-singleuser (sends remote port to hub), how does jupyter-server relate there?
GKE credits ()Tim)
Chris(?) sent something (a proposal) to someone (at Google), does anyone know more?
It’s to this person, working on HPC stuff at Google: https://twitter.com/sdksb (Yuvi)
As of a week ago, he’s got an internal proposal sent to GCP
Is there something others can do to support?
People in the email thread are Fernando, Chris & Yuvi
Yuvi will follow up
Should we add more people? Min: add me, if that’s okay, if there’s further discussion required
Should we attempt to contact “all the people” at Google that we know or wait for this request to take its course?
lets wait to see what happens first
For reference, OVH provides constant 16 CPUs + 64 GB RAM and hosts ~10% of mybinder.org
MyBinder Terminal at terminal.mybinder.org ()Yuvi)
Show and build alternate interfaces for mybinder.org - not just GUIs
Launch a gist with tmux / screen installed. Once there, you can grab the ‘current session’ link, and share with someone else. If you are running ‘tmux’, they can attach with ‘tmux attach’ and now you’re both sharing the session realtime!
Any mybinder.org link will work - change ‘mybinder.org’ domain to ‘terminal.mybinder.org.yuvi.in’. https://terminal.mybinder.org.yuvi.in/v2/gh/gvanrossum/patma/master is the link to Guido’s Python 3.10 branch, for example
Works on all mybinder.org repos, doesn’t require any particular installation in the image
TODO: Have a link generator on the home page
I want to put this on terminal.mybinder.org