JupyterHub and BinderHub Team Meeting - January#

Meeting details#

Date: Thursday, January 16th, 5PM UTC


  • name | institution | GitHub handle

  • Sarah | Turing Institute | @sgibson91

  • Georgiana | CIR | @GeorgianaElena

  • Min | Simula | @minrk

  • Rollin | NERSC | @rcthomas

  • Alex | MIT | @shvonski

  • Jonathan | HBP | @odontomachus

  • Simon | Open Microscopy Environment / University of Dundee | @manics

  • Zach | Jupyter Cal Poly | @Zsailer

  • Tim | Binder | @betatim

  • Erik | Sandvik | @consideratio

  • Meredith | MIT | @notoriousmkd

Quick updates#

60 second updates on things you have been up to, questions you have, or developments you think people should know about. Please add yourself, and if you do not have an update to share, you can pass.

Reports and celebrations#

This is a place to make announcements (without a need for discussion). This is also a great place to give shout-outs to contributors! We’ll read through these at the beginning of the meeting.

  • [name=Sarah] I’ve been awarded a Fellowship from the Software Sustainability Institute! :tada: :tada: :tada:

  • Many thanks to @manics who debugged the R language issues over the holidays that Sarah mentioned

Agenda items#

This is what we’ll cover in the meeting (we have about 60m in total). We’ll copy the proposed agenda topics above here just before the meeting.