JupyterHub and BinderHub Team Meeting - March#
Date: 21 March 2019 at 6pm Zurich time (10am PST)
Videoconference link: https://calpoly.zoom.us/my/jupyter
Link to prior meeting’s virtual meeting report
The call will start with a quick round of updates from everyone present (you can pass if you want to), followed by bigger agenda items. There will be no feedback/questions on the 60s updates. Questions/discussion on the larger agenda items will be moderated by a speaker list (see end of this hackmd).
Welcome to the Team Meeting#
If you are joining the team video meeting, sign in below so we know who was here. Roll call:
name / institution / GitHub handle
Zach / Jupyter Cal Poly / @Zsailer
Min / Simula / @minrk (absent: Hi from Min and little Hugo, born 2019-09-03) 🎉🎉
Patricia Herterich / The Turing Way & University of Birmingham / @pherterich
Erik Sundell / Sandvik / @consideratio
Sarah Gibson / The Alan Turing Institute / @sgibson91
Lindsey Heagy / UC Berkeley / @lheagy
Tim Head / Binder / @betatim
Joe Hamman / NCAR / @jhamman
Brian Granger / AWS / @ellisonbg
Quick updates#
60 second updates on things you have been up to, questions you have, or developments you think people should know about. Please add yourself, and if you do not have an update to share, you can pass.
name: update or pass
Patricia: pass as update will come in the agenda
Erik: update, lab coms, some oauthenticator stuff
Lindsey: went to the google HPC day yesterday, made some notes here
Joe: Pangeo-binder is now current with mybinder.org
Tim: first mybinder.org deploy since forever!
Chris: nbinteract + jupyterbook, discourse updates and new top-level channels: JupyterLab, Enterprise Gateway, Q & A
Sylvain: OVH deployment - put together a binder instance. Asking for feedback on how to hook it in as a potential alternative backend for mybinder.org
kick-off short mtg after next wednesday
Sylvain to post a calendar invive on the GH issues so anyone can join the call
Reports and celebrations#
This is a place to make announcements (without a need for discussion). This is also a great place to give shout-outs to contributors! We’ll read through these at the beginning of the meeting.
Leticia wrote her first Jupyter blog post on the NativeAuthenticator! :tada: (See it here)
Thanks to @kannes for helping improve the apt_install instructions in the binder-examples repositories (e.g., #4)
Georgiana wrote her first Jupyter blog post on the TraefikProxy! :tada: (it should be posted soon!)
Carol for sorting out “all the issues”! gif inside
JupyterLab team enters discourse.jupyter.org/c/jupyterlab, see this PR about communication in their readme.
add item here
Agenda items#
Let’s collect all potential agenda items here before the start of the meeting (closing time 24h before). We will then attempt to create a coherent agenda that fits in the 60m meeting slot. If there are similar items try and group them already.
meeting with OVH about their kubernetes offer and how that fits into mybinder.org
we should not drop the ball on this
OVH have a binderhub that is running well
schedule a meeting to discuss state of things
create an issue (or discourse thread?) to use as the channel for discussion instead of emails to help
see if we can schedule a meeting “end of next week”
link to a poll for a meeting time on the github issue
New “speaking queue” format. [Zach - 1 min]
see if we can improve the instructions to make them clearer
we will keep experimenting with this over the next few meetings
quick report from the Turing Way workshops [Patricia/Sarah - 5 mins?]
3 workshops over the last 2 weeks
how to use a public BinderHub (~30 ppl)
how to set up a BinderHub (13 ppl attended)
private data use cases, still useful
most people managed to get a BinderHub up and running at the end of the workshop
some problems but there seem to be solutions to most of them
thanks for opening the issues and threads!
the material and format for the “binderise your repo” workshop is getting good and will turn into a ready-to-go repo that anyone can pcik up for running their own workshop
setting up a BinderHub from a Windows machine is hard
workaround available but tricky
Q: Who came to the “Build a BinderHub” workshop?
a lot of research software engineers
someone from the open university
some of them were researchers
Feeling is that maybe research groups will run their own BinderHubs
a communications plan [Chris H]
Brian thinking about different types of discourse categories and how they can be mapped to groups and permissions.
Looks like categories can be nested in two levels and assigned to groups, with different levels of permission.
three primary channels for conversations:
discourse as catch all
gitter for sync communication, if they get longer than a few back and forths move to discourse
github: issues should be about things that can be closed when they are done
move “get feedback” or “idea around X” issues towards discourse in the future
Q: do you have to opt-in to threads? How to make sure you don’t miss things?
there is a link https://discourse.jupyter.org/t/how-to-watch-track-discourse-categories/514/2 to some advice on how to follow a category or sub-category
“watch for first post” - you get a notification only when a new thread starts
action items from the team meeting [Tim]
create a 30s introduction to binder video
who would like to help out?
what kind of equipment does one need for this?
Quicktime on Mac is what is usually used to record a desktop - not the greatest though
recommendations and experience needed
Lindsey here: I have used monosnap for video recording screencasts before. It also lets you include a small inset video from the webcam. It is nice to see the human behind the voice :smile:
Get Leticia involved with her podcasting experience
direct support questions and other persistent discussion to discourse, gitter for chatting
chat has “no history” and no need for people to keep up with things (use discourse for that)
should we switch chat tools?
-> let’s see how things change by changing to discourse and then later think about also updating gitter
raise-your-hand meeting moderator rules also for video meetings?
Zach has looked but not found a tool to help with moderation
Federation/redirection [Tim, 10min]
slowly but surely people are hosting BinderHubs (see TuringWay item)
we should provide a good way for all public hubs to stay in-sync (version of BinderHub, repo2docker, etc)
It is in mybinder.org’s interest to be able to redirect traffic to other hubs
what is the motivation for other public hubs to let us direct traffic to them?
E.g. the Turing motivation to do this would be exposure as contributing to/supporting open source projects
should the redirect be transparent (user cna’t see they are being redirected) or explicit (user see the location in their browser change)?
do we want to implement redirection at the level of mybinder.org?
-> make sure to highlight other deployments
-> make the loading page template-able to give exposure to BinderHub hosters
All-Jupyter community call next Tuesday [Zach - 5 minutes].
Tim is happy to show a binder demo (if you record it for me!)
Permissions, scopes, roles, etc. Brian and Zach are thinking a lot about how to leverage OAuth scopes in Jupyter, and how those relate to notions of permissions on files, kernels, APIs, etc. Discussion on GitHub [Brian - 3m]
ADDED LATE: erik: transition away from github.com/jupyter/help repo - quick OK to act?