JupyterHub and BinderHub Team Meeting - October#
Proposed: 18 October 2018 at 6pm Zurich time
Videoconference link: https://calpoly.zoom.us/my/jupyter Link to prior meeting’s virtual meeting report
Welcome to the Team Meeting#
If you are joining the team video meeting, sign in below so we know who was here. Roll call:
name / institution / GitHub handle
Tim / Wild Tree Tech / @betatim
Min / Simula / @minrk
Zach / Cal Poly / @zsailer
Carol / Project Jupyter / @willingc (absent but thanks for organizing the meeting Tim)
Agenda items#
Let’s collect all potential agenda items here. We will then sort them at the start of the meeting. If there are similar items try and group them already.
jupyterhub/team-compass#61 - should we adopt ‘third thursday of the month’ as regular slot for the meetings?
Third thursday each month has been choosen
WholeTale coordination
can someone attend whole-tale/whole-tale#43
October 24th
What messages do we want to send?
if you want to comment or add to the Google Doc plesae do!
2 million binders launched! (soon)
get registered on CMT for Jess so you get credit for submissions
after registering email Jess with the email you used
internal ssl: jupyterhub/jupyterhub#2055
needs support from spawners
help test it out!
do services get the SSL things they need? (Todo reminder for Min)
entrypoints for custom classes: jupyterhub/jupyterhub#2203
entrypoints are how pytest plugins and pygme lexer extensions work
your package can register yourself as “kubernetes” spawner
the hub can then ask for the package that provides the “kubernetes” spawner
very nice benefit is that jupyterhub can generate config options for all ‘plugins’!
standalone package called ‘entrypoints’ used at runtime (written Thomas)
simplify binderhub helm chart: jupyterhub/binderhub#680
How do we make it easier for other BinderHubs to be in sync with mybinder.org?
start regular releases of repo2docker
“so you want to run a BinderHub?” - create docs that help you make choices when running a BinderHub
what in mybinder.org-deploy should be promoted to the BinderHub chart
for example network policies
make the default network policy more like Yuvi’s EdX deployment with HTTPS proxy and SNI inspection?
Good work being done on the Outreachy mentoring :D 🎉🎉
jhubctl (WIP): common CLI for deploying jupyterhub on any provider
pronounced “hub-cuddle”, it is a silent j
Things people should know about