JupyterHub and BinderHub Team Meeting - August#

Goal: Continuous improvement

Welcome to the Team Meeting#


If you are joining the team video meeting, sign in below so we know who was here. Roll call:

  • name / institution / GitHub handle

  • Tim Head / Wild Tree Tech / @betatim

  • Min / Simula / @minrk

  • Carol / Cal Poly / @willingc

  • Chris / Berkeley / @choldgraf

  • Erik / Sandvik / @consideRatio


  1. Help or discussion needed; Agenda Items for Monthly Meeting 2. Open PRs - KubeSpawner #205 -> broken into - jupyterhub/kubespawner#230 (Refreshed development instructions) - jupyterhub/kubespawner#231 (merged, docs) - jupyterhub/kubespawner#232 (docs - need a rebase) - upcoming - verification of resources - upcoming - tolerations - upcoming - node-, pod- and antipod-affinity - upcoming - priorityClassName - The Z2JH PR -> will be broken up into - recommended but optional node pool setup and labeling - lab-feature, inactivated by default: user-scheduler - lab-feature, inactivated by default: pod priority and preemption (req. k8s 1.11 and helm 2.11) - lab-feature, inactivated by default: user-dummy for testing autoscaling setup - lab-feature, inactivated by default: user-placehodler for creating user headroom - User placeholders will trigger scale up of nodes in advance, but be preempted (evicted) if other pods need to be scheduled. - max-pod age bug fix - (also L48) improved CI inline documentation

    1. Open issues

      • City of Zurich stats department can’t use kernels on mybinder.org, their IT department says something about http://pki.stzh.ch/ “TLS-proxy certificate should be installed on mybinder”. jupyterhub/binder#110 what??

      • How do we setup a more realistic testing environment that also works for PRs? Minikube will become harder and harder to use for testing (needs kubeadm bootstrapper which is hard to use on travis)

      • Erik will ask Min: within a test-script, how to communicate with the hub and spawn a pod?

      • Can we leverage kubernetes/test-infra in testing of clusters and config

  2. Decisions needed

  3. Next actions (team)

    • concrete actions

    • Heads up re: JupyterCon - Carol currently scheduled for two talks at the same time. I plan to attend the Education Panel and step out of the JupyterHub talk as Min/Yuvi will be fabulous without me. I am also giving a keynote that morning and another talk after the panel with Eric and Jessica.

    • https://conferences.oreilly.com/jupyter/jup-ny/schedule/2018-08-23 should we ask the organisers if we can not have Yuvi and Tim’s talk at the same time? We can ask though they will likely say no.

      • Tim will ask Brian

    • Make sure we are on top of JupyterCon talks (we have lots!)

    • Release kubespawner, oauthenticator, jupyterhub, jupyterhub chart. At least a beta before jupytercon. Ideally before merging some of the bigger PRs currently waiting

    • We should discuss the next iteration of a Binder grant. Seems like this will be needed regardless of other sustainability conversations. Lots of possibilities for scope, length, amt of money, and organizational structure needed to take it in as a “project” as opposed to attaching it to one person.

    • jupyterhub/jupyterhub#2043 What is the status? Added a comment with a quick update on the issue.

News, Information, and Thanks#

  1. Team Metrics

  2. Team News and Informational items