(jupyterhub-team)= # Our team This page describes the official team members of the JupyterHub community. For information about what these teams mean and how you can join, see {doc}`../team/structure`. Here is the current JupyterHub team (listed alphabetically, with affiliation, and main areas of contribution): **Min Ragan-Kelley** acts as the team lead for the JupyterHub organization. ```{eval-rst} .. include:: ../_data/contributors/contributors-jupyterhub.txt ``` (emoji-keys)= ## Emoji keys You may notice that some of the team-members have "emojis" to reflect their contributions in JupyterHub. These are from the [Kent Dodds "all contributors spec"](https://allcontributors.org/). Below is a short table to show what each emoji represents. ```{eval-rst} .. csv-table:: :file: ../_data/contributors/contributor_key.csv ``` ## Outreachy internships We would also like to thank everybody who has participated in Outreachy internships with us. This includes the interns themselves who worked with us to improve JupyterHub, and the community members that donated their time and skills as mentors, coordinators and volunteers. ```{include} ../_data/outreachy/outreachy_participants.txt ```