(talking)= # External communication The JupyterHub and Binder projects are both community-driven. This means that we rely on members of the community for spreading the word about these projects as well as the teams and communities around them. (external-communication:expectations)= ## Expecations of team members These are a few guidelines to follow any time you're communicating externally about the JupyterHub project. 1. **Follow the Jupyter community conduct guidelines**. When you speak about the Jupyter community, you represent that community. This means you should adhere to the standards that the community defines in [our Code of Conduct](https://jupyter.org/governance/conduct/code_of_conduct.html). 2. **Give the community credit**. It's good practice to thank the Jupyter and Binder communities liberally when giving talks about these projects. Everything that we do is only possible by the amazing community of people that support the project - this community should always be a part of your talk. 3. **Try to stick to the past and present**. We highly encourage folks to talk about what the JupyterHub and Binder projects have been up to and where we are now. Talking about the future is a bit trickier. A good rule of thumb is to avoid making specific statements about what we're going to do next, unless we've explicitly agreed to them in a team repository. ## Blog posts We use [the Jupyter blog](https://blog.jupyter.org) to provide updates and announcements about the JupyterHub and Binder projects. We highly encourage team members to share what the team is up to and spread the word about our project. The Jupyter Blog uses [the Medium blogging platform](https://medium.com/). It is a little bit trickier to incorporate blog posts into our standard workflows because it is not based on pull requests, but we try to follow a similar process. Our goal is to provide visibility to team members about our communications, and give them a chance to be involved in the message if they wish. Here's a rough idea of the process that we follow for blog posts: 1. **Open an issue** in our [Team Compass repository](https://github.com/jupyterhub/team-compass) with a short note about the post. 2. **Read and follow our communication expectations**. See {ref}`external-communication:expectations`. 3. **Write a draft** in the Medium blog interface ([here's the link to write a draft](https://medium.com/jupyter-blog/new-story)). If you prefer to write something in another medium first (like HackMD), that's totally fine. 4. **When it's ready, ask a team member to take a look**. You can provide a direct URL to the draft without publishing yet. 5. **Provide a light review**. Team members should ensure that the post is represents our team's values and progress, and provide light feedback to improve its content. Don't be nit-picky or highly critical - our goal is a lightweight and helpful review. 6. **Approve the post via a comment in the team compass issue**. 7. **Post to the blog and close the issue**. This must be done by somebody with admin privileges on the Jupyter blog. 8. **Tell the world about it**. Once we've made a new post, share it with whatever social media channels you like. Feel free to use any "official" Jupyter or Binder accounts to signal-boost the post. ## Talks and presentations **If you have the opportunity to talk about the Binder or JupyterHub projects, please do so!** This might mean giving a presentation for your team, at a conference, in a tutorial session, or just talking to others on the internet. Our communities grow as we share our knowledge and experience with others. The rest of the resources on this page provide resources for folks who would like to talk about the JupyterHub and Binder projects. ### What to consider when speaking publicly about this community? We'd love to hear when you are speaking about the Binder or JupyterHub projects. Here are a few simple rules to follow when speaking publicly about the Binder and JupyterHub projects. 1. **Tell us if you're going to give a talk!** The easiest way to do this is [via an issue in our Team Compass](https://github.com/jupyterhub/team-compass/issues/new). 2. **Read and follow our communication expectations**. See {ref}`external-communication:expectations`. 3. (optional) **Share your talk resources**. We encourage team members to share a link to their talk, or to put talk resources in our {ref}`shared Google Drive ` so that others can find and re-use content (provide usage guidelines if you don't want others to re-use content). ### Resources for giving talks We'd like for people to leverage and re-use the materials that others in the community have put together. [Check out this ongoing community forum thread](https://discourse.jupyter.org/t/resources-for-giving-talks-about-the-jupyterhub-and-binder-projects/1685). for lots of helpful links to resources, slides, images, etc. You can use these as inspiration for your own talks, copy slides or sections, and improve upon them. If you'd like to add something to this list, please reply to that thread or edit the first comment with an updated link! ### Common questions and suggested answers From time to time many of us get the same questions about how the JupyterHub and Binder projects work. [Check out this community forum thread](https://discourse.jupyter.org/t/binder-jupyterhub-common-questions-and-suggested-answers/1686) for an ongoing list of common questions and good answers. If you have questions that aren't listed there, please add them.