--- tags: meeting, notes --- # JupyterHub HPC Meeting - November 2023 - **Date:** 2023-11-01 - **Time:** 8:30 AM PDT - **Your timezone:** https://arewemeetingyet.com/Los%20Angeles/2023-11-01/08:30/JupyterHub-HPC - **Where you can find these and past meeting notes:** https://jupyterhub-team-compass.readthedocs.io/en/latest/meetings/hpc/ - **Calendar for future meetings:** https://jupyterhub-team-compass.readthedocs.io/en/latest/meetings/ - **Jupyter Code of Conduct:** https://jupyter.org/governance/conduct/code_of_conduct.html ## Welcome to the Meeting Hello! If you are joining the team video meeting, sign in below so we know who was here. Roll call: - **name** / **institution** / **GitHub handle** - Félix-Antoine Fortin / Université Laval, The Alliance / @cmd-ntrf - Rollin Thomas / NERSC / @rcthomas - Mridul Seth / Anaconda / @MridulS - Rick Wagner / SDSC / @rpwagner - Michael Milligan / MSI @ U of MN / @mbmilligan ## Quick updates Things you have been up to, questions you have, or developments you think people should know about. This is also a chance to suggest a future presentation if you've got work currently in progress you might want to share. Please add yourself, and if you do not have an update to share, you can pass. - **Name:** Your update - ## Agenda items Let's collect all potential agenda items here before the start of the meeting. We will then attempt to create a coherent agenda that fits in the 60m meeting slot. If there are similar items try and group them together. - **All:** Standing project items: - Batchspawner check-in, issues and PRs - finally merged https://github.com/jupyterhub/batchspawner/pull/286 - release procedures updated, puzzling through these now - will issue new release asap - Wrapspawner check-in, issues and PRs - Discourse: - Workshop/conference news: - TrustedCI NSF Cybersecurity Summit at LBL, week of October 23 - Great event, lots of operators & security folks - Security subproject + Zeek - Security training - [Agenda](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hl1qe72s1CZc7Z3QOh1apANRi--qkupcnWEyH4VNOiQ/edit?usp=sharing) - [Notes from the event](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N2S-GcHT5mPbm-ITWFBN5Gu0ksHR0Fyo65h4HPpB36Q/edit?usp=sharing) - Morning: Background on Jupyter, 2h version of Streetwise guide to Jupyter Security - Afternoon: Feedback, what an Jupyter improve on Sec, documentation, how to secure based on different deployment models. Plan for security subproject to build on. - Mostly people looking to use / deploy Jupyter in different contexts - GMTO, Berkeley, LIGO, universities, etc, 40+ participants - Jupyter + Zeek workshop - Kind of an "unsession," half-day - Could we reconstruct Jupyter traffic within Zeek logs to identify it and build on Jupyter events if there was some unencrypted (or decryptable?) path in the flow - Zeek devs at Corelight open-sourcing a websockets plug-in and it worked! - Lot of work remains to understand the data structures going across the wire - Work going into a Jupyter plug-in for Zeek built on top of this w/Zeek devs - https://www.trustedci.org/2023-cybersecurity-summit - KubeCon NA Chicago Nov. 2023 - November 6-9 - HPC track - SC23 - HPPSS at SC23 - High Performance Python for Science at Scale - https://hppss.github.io/SC23/ - Magic Castle Tutorial - [BOF: workflows.community](https://workflows.community/bof/sc23/) - BOF: Interactive & urgent Wednesday@noon (https://sc23.supercomputing.org/presentation/?id=bof229&sess=sess390) - Others? ## Links Shared