# JupyterHub and BinderHub Team Meeting - January Date: 17 January 2019 at 6pm Zurich time **Videoconference link:** https://calpoly.zoom.us/my/jupyter [Link to prior meeting's virtual meeting report](https://hackmd.io/KS4Tw2__RVWJgiZ_5aeanA) ## Welcome to the Team Meeting Hello! If you are joining the team video meeting, sign in below so we know who was here. Roll call: * name / institution / GitHub handle * Zach / Cal Poly / @Zsailer * Tim / WTT / @betatim * Carol / Project Jupyter / @willingc * Craig Willis / NCSA / @craig-willis * Joe Hamman / NCAR-Pangeo / @jhamman * Yuvi Panda / UCB / @yuvipanda * Lindsey Heagy / UCB / @lheagy * Kacper Kowalik / NCSA / @xarthisius * Brian / Cal Poly / @ellisonbg ## Agenda items Let's collect all potential agenda items here before the start of the meeting (**closing time 24h before**). We will then attempt to create a coherent agenda that fits in the 60m meeting slot. If there are similar items try and group them already. * Resources definitions/requests by the repository creator or repository launcher, following up on December 2018 [name=@jhamman] * relevant issues: https://github.com/jupyterhub/binderhub/issues/731, https://github.com/jupyterhub/binderhub/issues/759, https://github.com/jupyterhub/binderhub/issues/712 * Relevant questions * What resource fields do we need? * Can use the Kubernetes docs as a reference (since ultimately we'll be passing the values of these fields to k8s) * check if we can read docker image LABELs without pulling the image? If yes then storing resource requests in the repo and repo2docker will store it in LABELs * Q from Craig: Why encode things in the URL parameter, why not allow them to be encoded in the repository itself (e.g., so an author could define the resources needed for a repo to run) * The URL parameter stuff wouldn't preclude this from being possible - one idea is to let authors store this in the repository, and set some kind of "defaults" in the built docker image than could be *overridden* by URL parameters. * Rust End of year thoughts/what is next style process, see https://discourse.jupyter.org/t/end-of-year-thoughts-from-the-rust-community/295/7?u=betatim * propose to create a post on the discourse forum asking for blogs/tweets/gists/replies for the next four(?) weeks which then get compiled into the Binder Roadmap for the next 12months. [name=@betatim] * When would we start this? * Maybe after dev meeting in March. * Make it clear that this is about getting input and ideas, taking the temperature, not about formal proposals and deliverables * How do we collect suggestions from the many different mediums? * Use discourse as the primary list and allow others to link to their ideas from there. * Reach out to the Rust community to ask for adivce on mechanics and such * Tim contacts Luiz Irber (Determine time to produce, resources that did the work re: paid/volunteer) * If you don't have a highly structured format for such ideas, it becomes difficult to evaluate suggestions from the community. Maybe suggest a format/questions to make it easier to digest? * JupyterHub Helm Chart v 0.8 [nearly ready to go](https://github.com/jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc+milestone%3A0.8) [name=@choldgraf] * Has been about 7 months since last release * Only remaining issue is to find a list of the JupyterHub versions for each helm chart. Does anybody know this? (https://github.com/jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s/issues/1094) * Need to update the change log. * Anything else to be done? * (no need to discuss) Chris would like help putting together a "how to spot a bitcoin miner" page in the SRE guide. He opened an issue to put together a list of tips (https://github.com/jupyterhub/mybinder.org-deploy/issues/879) * +100 Tim plans to write what he knows in the PR with the "find high CPU pods and processes" * (no need to discuss) Chris would like help finishing the BinderHub@NeurIPS post: https://hackmd.io/ZEVbmiWHQiOuRUQzRmjnNg?edit * Graphics, diagrams, drawings, "zines" * Tim is commissioning work to help explain what Binder is, how to use it, etc +100 * Will probably select a small agency in Germany based on recommendations * They will pitch a concept mid February * Ideas for what kind of artefacts would be useful for the project welcome * Need to figure out how to integrate this into the normal GitHub based workflow. I don't think they've ever worked with an open-source project like us. * Figma, is like sketch but web-based good for collaborating and reviewing work * Cool binder drawing: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dwe4jVdU0AA2Ss-.jpg:large * Apparently figma and slack paid the same design firm for their logo :-) * ![](https://i.imgur.com/LI1VgZs.png) * ![](https://i.imgur.com/F9vZuVC.png) * Three one pagers * architecture and ecosystem for JupyterHub * architecture and ecosystem for BinderHub * how does it work and ecosystem for mybinder.org * repo2docker.version PR check-in - Craig * Is there anything useful to discuss that isn't covered on Github? * https://github.com/jupyter/repo2docker/pull/550 * use local repo2docker to fetch source * local repo2docker starts a containerised repo2docker-in-specified-version with a local directory content provider Items added after the cut-off will be in the "bonus material" section. We will go through the ordinary agenda items first and then cover bonus items if the clock hasn't run out. ## Reports Things people should know about. * Cost per student for Berkeley's hub (of 4.5k students) is between 1$ / month / user to 2$ / month / user based on how active a student is before you consider them a 'user'. Open (anonymized) data + cool graphs at https://github.com/berkeley-dsep-infra/datahub-usage-analysis/blob/master/notebooks/03-visualize-cost-and-usage.ipynb. Mean daily active users is 1006 students! (Yuvi) * how does the cost scale if your cluster has less users? * if I only have 100 students, do I still only pay $1 per student or more because there are "fixed" costs * Yuvi working on getting Space Telescope Sciences Institute to buy out some of his time at Berkeley to focus more on JupyterHub / BinderHub * RStudio has explicitly granted us trademark permission on mybinder.org Our next meeting is **February 21st, 2019** at 6pm Zurich time.