# JupyterHub and BinderHub Monthly Report Goal: Continuous improvement - Meeting Date: 21 Mar 2018, 6pm CET [or your timezone](http://arewemeetingyet.com/Berlin/2018-03-21/18:00/Binder%20Team%20Meeting) - Videoconference link: https://calpoly.zoom.us/my/jupyter - [Link to prior week's virtual meeting report](https://hackmd.io/xugvWwHETgiWAy1gk6-Npw?view) (needs archiving) ## Welcome to the Team Meeting Hello! If you are joining the team video meeting, sign in below so we know who was here. Roll call: * your name / affiliation / github * Tim / Wild Tree Tech / @betatim * Carol / Project Jupyter (Cal Poly) / @willingc * Min / Simula / @minrk * Jessica / Jupyter / @jzf2101 * Erik / IT-Gymnasiet Uppsala / @consideRatio * Chris H / UC Berkeley / @choldgraf ## Actions 1. Help or discussion needed; Agenda Items for Monthly Meeting - Open PRs - Open issues - repo2docker next release [0.6 mid-April](https://github.com/jupyter/repo2docker/milestones) - z2jh - support for k8 deployments - [issue](https://github.com/jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s/issues/593) - NOTES: two biggest differentiators deploying k8s on baremetal vs. cloud provider is "LoadBalancer" and "PersistentVolume". Would be valuable to make it clearer which kubernetes objects/concepts we're using, and which can be "assumed" vs. needed. - TODO: create issue to discuss which parts of the jhub deployment depend on which components of kubernetes - create documentation on this. - TODO: reach out to the Orsay people about what they've done to set this up and what problems they found - TODO: reach out to CERN about how installing z2jh went (Tim) - k8 incubator: [kubespray](https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/kubespray) - Kubeflow (JupyterHub and Machine Learning/Tensorflow) [Link to JHub issues](https://github.com/kubeflow/kubeflow/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Aarea%2Fjupyter) - involvement - 15 minute presentation on Friday, April 6 9am Pacific - influence direction - [kaml-d](https://github.com/kaml-d/design) - like kubeflow but from RedHat? - service bundles and svcat (service catalog) - Jessica asks: How do we get better information about interactive computing from Binder? - who uses mybinder? - what kind of repos are there? - Jessica is looking for information to share with the community on how everyone uses binder combining repo info from GH - GA gives us an idea of what repos people click and when but not how long they stay - can we extract something about "minutes in a binder" from stackdriver logs? - we can extend the pages in a user container to include GA in each container - investigate GitHub activity stream on bigquery - PyCaribbean talk on BigQuery, link? - Chris would like help with extracting data out of GA - there is a repo: jupyterhub/binder-data - Jessica will follow up - https://twitter.com/betatim/status/974710693902635010 scientist using mybinder for publication - dumping data task: - turn this into an issue on jupyterhub/binder, there might already be an issue - where to put data from prometheus? - how long does the prometheus data last? - how do we extract information and what information should we extract? - Note that right now prometheus does *not* log which repos get launched, so we need to figure out the right way to do this, I think Yuvi had thoughts on a path forward there - Is anybody interested in a reproducible document collab with eLife / substance.io ? There's a similar interest w/ a team at the Turing institute in London - eLife and substance.io working together on reproducible document format and UI - eLife might host their own binderhub - maybe interested in helping create tech for publishers - Turing institute interested in finding published papers and enhancing their public version - Jessica, Tim, Min and Erik would be interested in hearing more - Erik figures that that it would be an awesome resource helping out communicating the benefits of mybinder.org to universities. 1. Decisions needed - do we want to commit to a BinderHub release schedule for 0.1? - Potentially treat "releases" more as a marker of "which versions work with other versions of other tools" as opposed to defining it by major features. Cut a 0.1 release around the next release of JupyterHub and make it clear that BinderHub is still in big-time alpha version. 2. Next actions (team) - Working toward JupyterHub 0.9 release - rough timeline: ~weeks - there will be a (short) beta release ## News, Information, and Thanks 1. Team Metrics 2. Team News and Informational items - Organization highlights - Four(!) [JupyterCon CFP submissions](https://github.com/jupyterhub/team-compass/issues/33) - BinderHub projects - JupyterHub projects - Related projects (repo2docker, nbgrader, others) - [Google Cloud Podcast](https://www.gcppodcast.com/) Interview Monday with Yuvi, Chris, and Jessica - Meetings with Orsay in Paris - Orsay and OpenDreamKit talking about JupyterHub in education with Min and Chris - JupyterDays talk - Oxford / Cambridge interest in JupyterHub - eLife/substance.io collaboration on reproducible documents? - Binder / Turing institute collaboration on "reproducible stars" - Had a nice meeting with CZI people at Berkeley, seems like there's opportunity for collaboration there 1. Thanks, Things to Celebrate, and anything else * Two big milestones that went well: JupyterLab related traffic spike and try.jupyter.org now uses mybinder.org!