(collab-cafe)= # Collaboration Cafes On the third Tuesday of every month, the JupyterHub community host a Collaboration Cafe (or _café_). These community events are designed to enable community members to work together and facilitate discussion on any topics they need in breakout rooms, and are open for anyone to attend. You can read more about Collaboration Cafe in the resources below. - [Jupyter blog post](https://blog.jupyter.org/online-collaboration-caf%C3%A9-launch-jupyterhub-team-meetings-to-become-more-collaborative-spaces-b713edadf15) - [_The Turing Way_ Collaboration Café guide](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/community-handbook/coworking/coworking-collabcafe.html) ## Quick info - Link to running notes: - Link to video conference call: - Link to calendar: [](meetings:calendars) ## Who can join? Anyone interested in becoming involved in the JupyterHub or Binder community is welcome to attend a Collaboration Cafe. You can feel free to use this time as a way to get on with your own JupyterHub-related work, see what topics the community are discussing, or get help on a topic you are working on. ### Default rooms There are some rooms that will always be available to those who require them or are not sure where to get started. - **Onboarding:** If you are new to the JupyterHub project, a member of our team can give you an introduction and answer your questions in this room - **Maintenance:** A room dedicated to maintenance tasks, such as issue triage and PR review - **Quiet working:** The main room will be available for anyone who wishes to quietly work on something JupyterHub related ### Suggesting a breakout topic There is a template in the HackMD, and copied below, that topic proposers should follow. This template ensures that there is enough information about each topic for folk to decide which room they'd like to join without having to go talk through each of them in the main room. ``` ### - **Description:** - **Participating:** - **Assigned to room number:** #### Notes - Please keep notes of the discusion ``` ## Hosting a Collaboration Café Any member of the JupyterHub community should feel empowered to host a Collaboration Cafe if they so wish. ### HackMD running notes and assigning breakout rooms - The running notes for the Collaboration Cafe are kept here: Participants are invited to check-in and propose a topic, or sign up to participate in a topic someone else has suggested. The facilitator should assign breakout rooms according to the sign-ups in the HackMD. It can be helpful to keep track of which topic has been assigned to which breakout room in the HackMD as well, since the video conferencing platform we use does not support renaming breakout rooms, at time of writing. **The agenda is very flexible and the facilitator should use their best judgment to structure the cafe according to the needs of the attendees.** For example, if everyone has signed up for one topic, the facilitator can decide to not open breakout rooms and instead host the discussion in the main room. ### Video conferencing platform - The Collaboration Cafe meets in this Jitsi room: There is an explainer video that demonstrates how to create and manage breakout rooms in Jitsi: ### Time keeping - The shared timer is available here: The Collaboration Cafe is structured in [pomodoro sprints](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique) and they are timed using the above shared timer. The timer syncs across browsers and so anyone who logs in can see how much time is left in the room. It is highly encouraged that at least one person in each breakout room has the timer open and timekeeps, especially since Jitsi does not allow broadcasting into breakout rooms to provide warnings, at time of writing. ### Archiving notes After each Cafe, we archive the notes in this repository for future reference, and to prevent the HackMD becoming unwieldy. You can find the archive at the bottom of this page. ## Archive Each file represents one year, and entries within a file are in reverse choronological order. ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 1 2024 <2024.md> 2023 <2023.md> ```